Privileged to be performing for Ted x Cork Loves Music. I am performing as part of the event on the 13th…very excited to be playing for this event which is being held in Coughlans one of my favorite venues to see music in the city
Privileged to be performing for Ted x Cork Loves Music. I am performing as part of the event on the 13th…very excited to be playing for this event which is being held in Coughlans one of my favorite venues to see music in the city
Saw Charlie Parr tonight amazing…I hear he will be in Pine Lodge for any blues enthusiasts xxx
New musical happenings are on the horizon. Had the pleasure to meet some great musicians and song writers already this summer!!! Opened for August Wells in February and this Summer got to see them play in a cave.. yes.. Iv seen a gig in a cave! Been in some great venues like Levis,s ballydehob, Discovered a scarecrow festival..and had my capo accidentally stolen by the band Orchid Collective after our Sofar gig together so it’s on tour with them right now..but I got to see it play knockenstocken all be it without me I was proud of it, might rub off on me when I get it back. 😉
Great launch!!!! Fun was had and Happy days a full house…. there will be videos from the night and news of musical happenings soon ..ducks in a row,,, and so on; this month..so far .. some are soon…..? but it’s all a but hush hush..but maybe you’ll get it but if you don’t all will be revealed.. other than that riddle.. this month il be playing in a new music venue in Cork, The Friary, around about the bottom of Shandon st on the 30th at 6.30pm-7.30 😉 !! Very excited to welcome a new live music venue to the City <3
Enjoy the sunshine
If you are about on the 27th of April come down for a listen to the launch of my ep ‘BLUE’ ,,,there will be my bluesy freak folk self…and im very happy to say…Special Guests: Leo Mullane&Tom Jordan and The Prairie Jaywalkers both amazing to hear if you have not already..Upstairs An Spailpin Fanach doors open at 8pm..kicking off soon after..it is a free gig and all are welcome ♥1
I’m absolutely delighted to announce my debut EP is now available for sale. Check it out under the music section!!!